"Food Allergies Can Cause Nutrition Gaps"


I received this article via email from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Knowledge Center today (9/18).  Although short, it comes back to a philosophy I feel very strongly about as an aspiring dietitian. When working with clients or patients, or managing our staff how to deal with them, let's focus on what we CAN eat rather than what we CAN'T.

Parents of children with allergies know to avoid the allergen foods altogether.  However, when reviewing what those top 8 allergens are: milk, soy, shellfish, tree nuts, eggs, peanuts, wheat and fish, it is clear to see what a large nutritional gap these children may be receiving.  These gaps can lead to micronutrient deficiencies and all-around malnutrition.

This article refers to a study in Italy that found advice and counseling on what foods TO eat (GF grains like quinoa or sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter) helped kids with allergies fill in those nutrient gaps. Proper nutrition is vital for children, as they are still growing and developing!

I think as dietitians, it is important (through our never-ending science subjects) to stay creative! Food has endless possibilities, and finding proper allergen substitutions can help kids feel "normal" again and not out-casted by their allergies.



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