
Showing posts from February, 2022

Importance of Weight Neutral Care

You've probably heard of this new “trend” over the past few years or so about healthcare becoming “weight neutral.” This has become apparent especially in a nutrition setting. I had the opportunity in my business rotation to help in the development of a “weight-neutral diabetes management program.” Yes, you read that right—a weight neutral  diabetes  management program! The weight-neutral wave is not just for those who have no health concerns whatsoever! While it can be a little more difficult due to needing to balance your nutrition knowledge with what you crave and how that may impact your weight, etc., this balance is possible.  Without further ado, I’d like to share a few reasons why weight neutral care is important and why it should be here to stay! 1) The BMI Issue Oh yes, the dreadful BMI. The BMI formula considers height and weight, but what about sex, physical activity, racial and ethnic backgrounds, etc.??? NOPE! Even one of the big components of the equation itself, heig

The Need to Know on Nutrigenomics

Nutrigenomics- Specialized Nutrition      The last two rotations I have been at have been involved in nutrigenomics. Before my internship I had no idea what that meant and honestly, I'm still learning new things about it every day. I have had the opportunity to write a few blog posts for both companies involved in Nutrigenomics- Celebrate Vitamins and Base10Genetics. The following post will be shared on Celebrate Vitamin's Website in the upcoming months so keep an eye out for it!  Nutrigenomics- a diet guide from your genes       If you haven’t yet heard of nutrigenomics, you soon will. Nutrigenomics refers to the application of genetics to nutrition research1. Genetics doesn’t just decide your hair color or eye color, it even influences the way your body interacts with diet. Nutrigenomics was developed after the Human Genome Project of the 90s- a project that mapped out the genetic makeup of humans. Through the mapping out of our genetic makeup, scientists have discovered spe

6 Foods that Reduce Inflammation

6 Foods that Reduce Inflammation Inflammation happens whenever your immune system is activated for any amount of time. Short-term or acute inflammation protects your body from invaders, but longterm chronic inflammation is harmful to your health. Chronic inflammation contributes to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other conditions. Protect your long-term health from chronic inflammation by consuming more of the foods below! Tomatoes Tomato's are rich in potent antioxidants. Olive Oil Olive oil contains polyphenols at show powerful antioxidant inflammatory effects. Green Leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens, contain an abundant amount of vitamin E which inhibits inflammation. Nuts Nuts such as almonds and walnuts also contain an abundant amount of vitamin E.  Fatty Fish Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna contain an abundant amount of Omega-3 Fatty Acids that suppress inflammation.  Fruit Fruit such as oranges, blueber

Who do you let influence you?

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling for hours on your favorite social media site? Whether its Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube or any other one of the many out there, it’s pretty rare to find someone that doesn’t have at least one form of social media now-a-days. But social media has strayed far from its original purpose. Originally social networking platforms were created to allow people to stay connected with their friends and families, however, now-a-days the rise of the “influencer” has shifted people’s friends lists to include more strangers than people they’ve actually met in real life. But what exactly is an influencer and why do we base our trust on the amount of people that follow them?   One of the hottest topics across most social media platforms is nutrition. What should I be eating to lose weight? Will this juice cleanse help me lose 20 pounds in two weeks? How many calories should I consume a day? Is keto a good way to lose weight? I

Becoming an Intuitive Eater

As we get further into the year, new year's resolutions or goals tend to drop off and are given up on. Instead of trying another fad diet that is bound to fail you, let go of diet culture and become more in-tune with your body and your body's needs. Heal your relationship with food. Mindful eating occurs when you listen to your hunger cues, you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. You do not allow yourself to get so hungry that you feel as if you’re starving or eat so much that you feel sick. Here are some factors that can influence you to ignore or suppress your hunger cues.  Being taught from a young age.  Children are very in-tune with their bodies, but when they are pressured or bribed to completely clean their plate, they are being taught that their hunger/satiety cues should be ignored. Bribing children with desserts also teaches them that food is earned or that dessert is a superior food. [

Happy Valentines Day!

  Happy Valentines Day! Also known as the day of chocolates and heart shaped candy abundance. Food is deeply tied to culture and tradition: summer picnics, family recipes, comfort food for sick days, and even chocolate on Valentine's Day. Despite these ties, certain foods that are rooted in celebration are commonly categorized as “bad.” While this concept impacts many traditions, today I just want to talk about Valentines Day. This holiday may be a conflicting time for many. After all, its supposed to be a day   to celebrate love but many folks end up fixating on their sugar intake... Or, to the other extremes many people end up spending the day avoiding candy only to binge on it come evening. This will leave you feeling bloated and maybe even with an upset stomach. … I'd like to start off with a quick story. When I was in undergrad, I took a healthcare marketing class. For one of the assignments I developed a campaign on nutrition and self-care for people on their periods. A p

February is American Heart Month!

What better time to begin focusing on a heart-healthy lifestyle! The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease. About 30 million people in the US have heart disease that causes nearly 650,000 deaths each year. The American diet is typically high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar…The opposite of heart-healthy. Overtime, eating a lot of these kinds of foods increases cholesterol levels and the risk for developing heart disease and its complications go up.  **It is important to note that heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. are not just present in obesity; they can affect ANYONE, ANY SIZE and at ANY TIME.  So let’s talk about some tips to start taking better care of your heart and your health!  Reduce sodium intake Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure. Processed foods (frozen, prepackaged, and convenience foods), soup, baked goods, and condiments typically contain high levels of salt. If possible, choose canned goods with no-added salt or reduced so

Vitamin D: Is it bumming you out?

*Content warning*       

Should You Be Drinking Green Juice?

  Should You Be Drinking Green Juice?   Fad diets and trends are constantly floating around, with some sticking around longer than others. ‘Green juice’, ‘drinkable greens’, or ‘green powder’ is one I have seen floating around for quite some time on Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook. So, what’s the deal with these juices and should you be drinking one?     What Is Green Juice?   The name says it all – a juice that is green. From there, different brands can add different ingredients. Typically, you’ll find powdered fruits and vegetables, powdered herbs, digestive enzymes, pre and probiotics, green tea powder (aka Matcha), and more. Similar to a protein powder, these greens can be purchased in a powder form and are mixed into water to create the ‘juice’. These products can range in price anywhere from $30 – over $100 per container.    Is Green Juice Healthy?   Unlike protein shakes and powders, green juice is usually low is calories and macronutrients They mainly consist of micronutrients

Understanding Your Peanut Allergy

Peanut allergies are unpredictable. Live in peace with your peanut allergy by knowing what causes a reaction, and how to prevent one from happening.  Main Cause A peanut allergy can develop when a child, or as an adult. When you develop a peanut allergy, the immune system is thinking that the protein found in peanuts is an intruder. This causes the immune system to release antibodies to attack the intruder. This attack is what causes an allergic reaction.  Peanut Allergies Differ Between People Some people cannot eat peanuts without a deadly reaction. For some individuals it may cause a minor case of hives. More extreme cases involve individuals not being able to be in the perimeter of peanuts due to having such a severe allergy.  Knowing how allergic you are to peanuts can help prevent a surprise reaction.  Common Reactions Common reactions include rashes, stomach pain, hives, itching, lip swelling, and gastrointestinal effects such as diarrhea or constipation. Severe Reactions Anaphy