What is the deal with all these supplements?

Health and nutrition are in the news nearly every day right now. People want quick fixes for good
health. Whether it is a diet, a pill, or some magical tea, they will try anything. Many people do not
know what nutrient dense foods to eat to maximize their health, so they turn to something easy.
One concern for health professionals right now is the over-use of vitamin and mineral
supplements. Media is constantly telling the public that they are most likely deficient in certain
micronutrients (aka vitamins and minerals) so they need to do something to fix it immediately.
What’s a quick, easy way to do that? Well, a multivitamin of course! But... do people really need
them? Are they actually doing any good or are they just causing a different set of problems?

Who benefits from supplements the most?

There are people who have characteristics, conditions, or diseases where a vitamin and mineral supplement is necessary for their health and quality of life. One group that often needs some form of supplementation are older adults. Vitamin B12 and vitamin D intake often decreases with age. Sometimes their doctor will recommend a supplement for B12, or may just encourage intake of foods fortified with B12 like breads and pastas. People deficient in vitamin D will often be encouraged to increase fortified milk intake or to take a vitamin D supplement.

Another group that often suffers from deficiencies are pregnant women. They are responsible for getting enough for themselves and their baby. Pregnant women are recommended to take prenatal vitamins to make sure they are getting everything they need to help their babies grow properly. Folic acid is one of the most important parts of the prenatal vitamin because it helps prevent some birth defects related to the spinal cord.

Allergies, special diets, medical conditions, and medications can make it hard to get enough of certain vitamins and minerals, as well. Lactose intolerance or a milk allergy can make it hard to get enough vitamin D because many dairy products, especially milk, are fortified with it. Vegans and vegetarians may struggle getting enough B12 because it is found strictly in animal products. Medications and medical conditions can prevent people from absorbing enough of a vitamin or mineral, regardless of how much they eat. All of these groups people probably will need some type of supplement to make sure they are getting enough.

While it is important to make sure we are getting enough of all the vitamins and minerals, it is not recommended to take a supplement without consulting a doctor. Most people get enough from whole foods and supplements should NOT be used as a diet.

OP https://www.eatright.org/food/vitamins-and-supplements/dietary-supplements/vitamins-minerals-and-supplements-do-you-need-to-take-them  


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