Is your gluten-free meant to be?

Many people hear gluten-free and assume it is the healthier option without even understanding why gluten-free products exist. How often do you use gluten-free products? Do you need gluten-free products because of a medical order since you have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease? 
Have you heard the myth that you are born with Celiac Disease?

Gluten is a protein from a wheat germ found in wheat, rye, barley and other grain products. Gluten is necessary to hold foods structure together to maintain the shape. When you have Celiac Disease, it is a life-long condition that causes damage to the small intestine and can prevent absorption of some nutrients because of the body's auto-immune response to gluten. To address the myth that you are always born with Celiac Disease. It can be developed at any point in your life BUT it needs to be diagnosed by a medical professional NOT self-diagnosed. If you are diagnosed by a medical professional, then you would need to consider following the gluten-free diet to prevent your small intestines from being damaged so that you can absorb all the nutrients possible for the body to be healthy.



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