Carbohydrates & Concentration

 Ever read an article or seen something online from a random person demonizing certain foods or food groups? No? I do not believe you... 

In today's society, we are saturated with various messaging; some good and some bad. A negative (and common) message most have come across is that, "Carbs are bad" or "Carbs are the enemy." Attached are typically photographs of bread, rice, pasta, and dessert foods with a continuation of the message promoting protein foods. And while I am not here to take away from the importance of protein and the roles it plays in the body, I AM here to stress the importance of carbohydrates and the roles IT plays in the body. 

Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy. What does that mean? It means that there are specific processes in the body ONLY MEANT for carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are present in the body, it will go through these specific processes and give us energy. But not just energy to go for a run, lift weights, and exercise, but energy that YOUR BRAIN NEEDS in order to function properly. If your brain is unable to function properly, it creates the perfect storm for: 


    1. Brain fog 

    2. Impaired hormone secretion 

    3. Decreased mental performance 

    4. Fatigue 

    5. Lack of concentration 


 ....all of which affect your mood. Who wants to be walking around always acting like a grumpy teenager in their mid forties? Better yet, who wants to be around YOU as YOU act like a grumpy teenager in your mid forties? Nobody does. 

When the body does not have enough carbohydrates to create necessary amounts of energy for the brain, it will create energy from an inefficient, unpreferred, and dysregulated process. There is no reason to make your body work this hard to create energy because a TikTok influencer, Oprah Winfrey, and Dr. Oz told you that eating a slice of bread with dinner will make you fat. 

Take this as a gentle encouragement to eat a delicious serving of carbohydrates at every meal today. Your body will thank you for it :)




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