Fuel Up With the Best Pre-Workout!

Do you eat before your workout? What do you eat and is it enough? Do you know why it’s advised to eat before your workout? These are all questions athletes or individuals who exercise should think about. Your body is your vehicle; to continue running, you have to fuel it with the right nutrients at the right times! 

Benefits of fueling your body before a workout:

  • Improves performance 

  • Perform for a longer time or at a higher intensity 

  • Minimizes muscle damage 

  • Faster recovery 

  • Manages hunger throughout your workout 

When and what should I eat?

To achieve maximum results, consume a meal consisting of a carb, protein, and fat source 2-3 hours before your workout. This time frame allows your body enough time to digest and absorb the nutrients.  

However, due to busy lifestyles, you may not have time for a full meal. If that’s the case, you can still get an effective and decent pre-workout snack. If you eat 30-60 minutes before your workout, choose a snack that contains simple carbs and some protein. Simple carbs are going to digest faster which will help avoid stomach discomfort while training.  

The closer you eat to workout time, and simpler and smaller the snack should be for easy digestion. Keep in mind that eating a snack beforehand is better than not eating at all. What your body needs is a fuel source that will provide energy for your workout. 

Pre-workout snack ideas:

2-3 hours before 

  • Avocado on whole-grain toast with eggs and a cup of fruit 

  • Turkey, brown rice, and roasted vegetables 

  • Pesto pasta with chicken 

  • Chicken caesar wrap 

30-60 minutes before

  • Piece of fruit (banana, apple, or orange)

  • Greek yogurt with fruit 

  • ½ bagel with peanut butter

  • Fruit smoothie

  • Grapes and string cheese 






  1. This is a very useful and applicable information to a lot of people's life. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Athletes and individual's ask these questions all the time and I love how you explained the importance of timing and gave them examples of foods. Great article!


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