Is it a Snack or a Meal? It's "Girl Dinner"

What is "Girl Dinner"?? According to TikTok's latest trend, "girl dinner" is a snack plate made from readily available foods, requiring little to no cooking. Picture a plate with dill pickles, chips and salsa, a bowl of cereal, assorted raw veggies, and whatever dips happen to be in the fridge. But the real question is: Is a "girl dinner" a nutritionally balanced meal that provides enough calories?

A plate consisting solely of fruit, a few crackers, and some cheese cubes leans more towards a snack than a dinner. However, you could bulk it up with additions like baguette slices, hard-boiled eggs, chopped veggies, hummus, and nuts to create a more substantial meal, bringing the calorie count closer to 500 from the initial 200-300 calories.

Like most social media food trends, determining whether something is "nutritious" or "healthy" can be difficult. However, by adding the right ingredients, and enough of them, can make a "girl dinner" a suitable dinner option.

Suggestions for creating a balanced, fulfilling GIRL DINNER:

  • 1 cup of carbohydrates (fruit, sliced baguettes, or crackers - don't forget you can mix and match!)
  • 4 oz or 1/2 cup of protein (hard-boiled eggs, lunch meat, edamame, chicken salad, or hummus)
  • 1 + cup of vegetables (cucumbers, celery, carrots, or bell peppers)
  • 1/4 cup of fats (cheese, avocado, nuts, or cottage cheese)


  1. I love how you included what you can add to girl dinner to make it fulfilling, while still getting to enjoy the foods we feel like eating!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Its always interesting to see what new food trend will be next. The macro breakdown is really helpful!


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