Nutition in the Treatment of PCOS

    This article looked at many studies that had nutrition has the main or sub component for the treatment of PCOS. Many of the studies were looking at improving metabolic parameters and weight loss or maintenance. The researchers found, after analyzing the chosen studies, that were improvement in metabolic parameters and weight loss when the participants consumed a low-CHO and high protein diet. This was in comparison with a general healthful diet. One of the biggest improvements seen in with some of the participants was increased insulin sensitivity. Women that suffer from PCOS often have weight gain that is difficult to control.
     Thus the evidence presented in this systematic review supports the implementation of low carbohydrate and high protein diets for women with PCOS in order to improve metabolic parameters and aid in weight loss.

---Sarah Carlson

 Frearson M, Ko H, Marsh K, Misso K, et al. Dietary Composition in the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review to Inform Evidence-Based Guidelines. JAND. 2013;113(4): 520-545.


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