Cupids Advice for Valentine's Day - Focus on Red Foods


Sure, there are plenty of doctors who specialize in the human heart. These men and women have spent the better part of a decade (or more) earning the coveted title of ‘cardiologist’, mastering their craft and performing feats of unimaginable skill. They have the power to quite literally mold and manipulate the heart to keep beating, tinkering with the various valves and components with adept precision. There is no other segment of the population that knows more about the human heart than cardiologists. That notion, however, is not entirely true.

You see, there is someone who has thousands of years of knowledge and experience with the human heart. This mystery figure has one-upped modern day cardiologists many times over, and boasts a success list long enough to be unfurled from the summit of mount Everest to its base camp 29,000 feet below. The person of whom I speak is none other than Cupid, the famed legend who has more knowledge of the heart than anyone who has ever lived.

I recently managed to track the elusive, winged hero of the heart down for a chance interview, where I asked Cupid what people could do to ensure that they have strong, healthy hearts for him to pierce with his arrows. Of course, and I should have known this, he has studied the heart extensively. He mentioned a tip that he recommends to those close to him, and it centers around one’s diet and nutrition.

RED foods are like RUBY gems that keep hearts vibrant and fiery, healthy and robust. Eat them routinely to protect your heart.”

I laughed at the concept initially, but after performing some research myself I came to find out that Cupid was telling the truth. Red vegetables, fruits, and grains are chalked full of extremely powerful antioxidants that have the ability to lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, clean out arteries, balance heart contractions, and stave off heart disease. The primary components that play the crucial role are phytonutrients such as lycopene and anthocyanins, both of which help reduce inflammation and make the heart strong enough to withstand a piercing by Cupids arrow.

So, with Valentine’s Day just a few days away, there is still some time to get your heart in good shape for a chance encounter with Cupid. To do this, you can focus on the dietary rubies that are strawberries, radishes, goji berries, red cabbage, cherries, cranberries, beets, tomatoes, raspberries, watermelon, grapefruit, red peppers, radicchio, chili peppers, rhubarb, red onion, red apples, red rice, and red potatoes. Of course, the list does not end there. If you know of other red foods, you can add them to your repertoire. Your heart will thank you, and Cupid will know at whom to loose his arrows upon.






  1. I really enjoyed your blog post and how you brought it into valentines day! The heart is a very important organ in out body and what color do we associate with valentines Great blog I really enjoyed reading it!


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