The Need to Know on Nutrigenomics

Nutrigenomics- Specialized Nutrition

    The last two rotations I have been at have been involved in nutrigenomics. Before my internship I had no idea what that meant and honestly, I'm still learning new things about it every day. I have had the opportunity to write a few blog posts for both companies involved in Nutrigenomics- Celebrate Vitamins and Base10Genetics. The following post will be shared on Celebrate Vitamin's Website in the upcoming months so keep an eye out for it! 

Nutrigenomics- a diet guide from your genes 
    If you haven’t yet heard of nutrigenomics, you soon will. Nutrigenomics refers to the application of genetics to nutrition research1. Genetics doesn’t just decide your hair color or eye color, it even influences the way your body interacts with diet. Nutrigenomics was developed after the Human Genome Project of the 90s- a project that mapped out the genetic makeup of humans. Through the mapping out of our genetic makeup, scientists have discovered specific genes are influenced by the environment and change our interactions with food and dieting. As Dr. Yael Joffe, dietitian, and founder of 3X4 Genetics puts it, “Understanding your genes provides clarity as to why your body responds to certain foods and environments, how your systems optimally work, and more,” (2021). 

Genes and Dieting 
    I've heard it said that diets are like shoes- a size 8 wont fit in a size 4 and a diet that works for one person might not always work for another. Your genes influence your appetite, ability to store fat, energy expenditure, response to exercise, and ability to gain or lose weight. Your genetic predisposition affects the way that your body interacts with the environment. Nutrigenetics is about getting to know how your genes are programmed so that you can work with your genes to optimize your health instead of working against them.

Everyday we learn more about how to be the healthiest version of ourselves. I am excited to see where nutrigenomics takes us!


1. Ruth Chadwick. (2004). Nutrigenomics, individualism and public health. Personal Collection of (Ruth Chadwick), Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK. 
2. Joffe, Y. (2021). The Power of Genetics. 3X4 Genetics.


  1. I find it so interesting that we can one day potentially get even more specific about what foods or diets work! I have always found genetics fascinating, and I too am excited to see how nutrigenomics is used next! Since I'm currently in a sports nutrition rotation, I found this sports nutrigenomics article very interesting!



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