Herb Your Enthusiasm: Apartment Edition


One of the challenges of apartment dwelling (other than the parking, lots of steps, and wildly close neighbors) is the difficulty in have a garden. I mean…..who doesn’t want to be able to grab something handmade to add to your dinner plans? While having a full out garden may be dream, there’s no reason not to be able to have some fresh herbs. Here’s some ideas to make your herb possibilities a reality. 

For those who are looking for something super easy but more on the pricey side is the Aerogarden kits. It comes with a base to hold the herb pods, fixed with a light, and makes it easy for those that forget to water (with a built-in reminder). For 6 pods-kits run around $130. The plants grow pretty quickly and the system is fairly simple to maintain.


Maybe you want a kit system but without that higher price tag. Amazon sells Urban Leaf herb kits for just about $30. The kit comes with seeds, soil discs, herb labels, window box, and herb pots. You can grow your little seedlings from baby seeds and in about 2 months you can enjoy your herbs. You do have to remember to water these guys and there’s a little more maintenance with this over the reminding you Aerogarden system. 

You do only get 3 herb seed packets with this option.

Say you don’t want a kit and you wanna pick out each component separately…

When my husband and I started our first herb garden we picked out a window box that hung out the window

Something like this:

…..bought some soil from our local garden center, seeds, and one of these tiny greenhouses (to start making little seedlings- a housing unit something like this)


Price wise it was about $30-$40 in total but the labor behind it (while rewarding) was very time consuming. We started our little seed growings about March-April and then transferred them to the window planter when they were mature enough. We had selected the best sunny room for warmth and just watched/cared over the little seedies for weeks. Each herb is a little different when growing them prior to replanting- if you go this route, just make sure to check the instructions on the back of the package. 


Now the second year of herb gardening for us we used the same window garden but got pre-grown herbs to plant….like these:

…..In the beginning of Summer, you can usually get pre-grown herbs for about $2.50-$4 for the smaller plants and about $5-$8 for the larger size (pricing may vary).

We loved growing them from babies but we didn’t have the time during year 2.


While these are only a few options, there are many other companies that make grow systems like the Aerogarden, do it yourself grow kits like Urban Leave, or if you’re wanting to do it all from scratch….sky’s the limit.


Enjoy your herb gardening thyme, have fun dill-ing it, and if you need more ideas….lettuce help you.


Sending you good chives and Happy 1st day of Spring 



References/photo credits:







  1. This was a great read! I love how you compared the pros and cons of kits vs the do-it-yourself option. I think the DIY option was definitely more affordable and realistic for many individuals, though, it's great that you shared that it was much more laborious too so people know what to expect. I'd love to start a full herb garden - I currently have just a basil plant but love how it adds such a fresh taste to the food I make. I think this post is a great place to start for anyone interested in herb gardening!



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