Go tropical with fruits this summer


As the summer is approaching upon us, there are many seasonal fruits and tropical fruits that will be in stores. Some of these fruits include watermelon, mango, guavas, papayas, etc. These fruits are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals!

Watermelons are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium. Watermelons help to prevent heat stroke, cancer, boost the immune system, support eye health and prevent macular degeneration. Watermelon is a very versatile fruit and can included in a lot of recipes. Some recipes include mint watermelon salad, watermelon blueberry salad, and a watermelon & spinach salad.

Mangos are high in vitamin C, packed with polyphenols that are antioxidants, low in calories, help to control blood sugar, improve eye health and prevent cancer. Mangoes can be made into a lot of things. Some tasty recipes include grilled spiced snapper with a mango and red onion salad, mango black bean salsa, and mango,berry and banana smoothie.

Guavas are high in vitamin C, potassium, folate and fiber! Guavas aids in cell protection and repair, promotes skin healthy, supports weight control, promotes a healthy heart, and may aid in disease prevention. Some fun recipes to try are guava chutney, mini lime and guava cheesecakes, and guava sherbet.

Papayas are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Papayas improves skin, protects vision, aid in digestion, helps in cancer prevention, and promotes heart health. Some ways to incorporate papaya into your diet is by adding it to smoothies, yogurt, or even in salad!


Papaya Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits (verywellfit.com)

Guava Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits (verywellfit.com)

Mango: Nutrition, Health Benefits, and How to Eat It (healthline.com)

Watermelon 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits (healthline.com)

Summer Fruits: What’s In Season? And Why Are They Healthy? (foodrevolution.org)

Go Tropical with Fruit (eatright.org)

Recipe sources:

12 Healthy Papaya Recipes | On The Table (mybalancemeals.com)

17 Fresh Guava Recipes - Insanely Good (insanelygoodrecipes.com)

31 Mango Recipes That Taste Like Pure Gold | Bon Appétit (bonappetit.com)

28 Quick Watermelon Recipes | Taste of Home



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