Lifestyle Change - A process, not an event

Here are 5 simple steps to aid your clients in achieving a successful long term lifestyle change!

1.       Recognize a need for change – Do you currently have a health condition, or are at risk for developing one? Is running a marathon on your bucket list? Or do you just want to look great at the beach this summer? There are many reasons for wanting to make a lifestyle change, and none of them mean that what you are currently doing is wrong – only that it may be improved.

2.       Establish a goal – When making goals, remember that many small, short term goals lead to larger, long term goals. Psychologist Paul Meyer has developed the acronym SMART to help you create good goals. Keep these in mind when creating your health goals!

Specific – Answer questions “how”, “when” and “where”
Measurable – Use numbers to easily measure your accomplishments
Achievable – Are your goals attainable? Remember to start small!
Realistic – Is this reasonable for you at your PRESENT circumstances? Making an unrealistic goal may set you up for failure.
Timely – Goals should be met within a time period, to give you structure.
(Paul Meyer)

3.       Adopt a goal-directed activity – What steps are needed to reach the goal? Identify any environmental, social or resource barriers and brainstorm creative ways to overcome them

4.       Share your goal – with a spouse, friend or loved one! This creates accountability and makes meeting the goal more fun.

5.       Reward yourself – Once you have made progress on or met your goal, celebrate your accomplishments! Remember, food should never be used as a reward – some ideas for rewards include taking a vacation, going shopping for goal related items like new running shoes, or spending a day at the spa or on the golf course!

Remember, change occurs gradually.  Start with small changes, and be prepared for relapses. Returning to old behaviors is normal, and you do not need to let it sabotage your long term goals!
Meyer, P. (2003). "What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals". Attitude Is Everything: If You Want to Succeed Above and Beyond. The Meyer Resource Group, Incorporated. ISBN 978-0-89811-304-4.


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