
Showing posts from 2019

Caffeine: How Much is Too Much?

Caffeine. It's been around for a long time, and yet it's uses continue to evolve and change seemingly every year. Particularly common in the morning pick-me-up (i.e. coffee, tea, etc.), caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system and provides the feeling of "being alert" to various extents. This feeling of alertness comes from an increase in the speed of messages traveling from the brain to the body. Caffeine has been recognized as a safe substance as long as it is consumed in moderation (FDA recommends no more than 400mg daily). In recent years, the use of caffeine has become very common in the sports and fitness worlds as a means to increase athletic performance enhance things like speed, endurance, strength, power, and more. While some athletes may choose to get their caffeine from sources like coffee, some prefer popularized energy drink or powdered pre-workout. These beverages can range from 100-400mg of caffeine! While many studies have verifie

Zucchini Bars!

Thanksgiving is the time when people gather with their friends and families and celebrate the holiday with food. It is also known to be the time when the food coma aftermath is going to happen. If you’re still thinking about what to bring to your family’s event, here’s a delicious zucchini bars recipe that’s easy to make and provide a good amount of fiber that you need in your Thanksgiving meal! Ingredients (yield to 8 servings): 1 zucchini   ¾ cup of almond butter   1 egg ¼ cup maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla ½ tsp baking soda 1 ½ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg ¼ cup chocolate chip Methods: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease or line an 8x8 inch baking pan   Peel zucchini and grate on the large holes of a box grater (to yield a heaping 1 cup). Add to a bowl, along with almond butter, egg, maple syrup, and vanilla. Stir to combine Add baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of salt, stirring until just combined. Fold in chocolate chips   Bake 30 minutes, or

Added Sugar vs Natural Sugar: When to Eat it and When to Avoid It

What is sugar anyway? Sugar is a type of simple carbohydrate that is broken down and absorbed in your body to be used as energy. Carbohydrates (which are your sugars and starches), are broken down to form glucose, which is the type of sugar your body uses for energy – which means carbohydrates, and sugars , are very important in your diet!    So what is the difference between natural sugar and added sugar? Natural sugars are found in milk and fruit and are not considered added sugars. On the other hand, added sugars are any sugar or syrup that is added during processing or preparation of foods or beverages. But why does it matter? Foods such as ice cream, candy, cakes, pastries, and sugary cereals, all contain added sugars without giving you any other nutritional benefits, such as vitamins or minerals – while also providing you with a significant amount of excess calories. It is recommended that 10% or less of your calories come from added sugars. Based on a 2,000 calorie

Eating Out with a Vegetarian

As my mom and I were shopping today (because it's the most wonderful time of year ! ), a grumble of hunger came over us. We both agreed to grab a bite to eat before we headed out to shop 'til we drop any further. However, shopping 'til dropping takes time and we didn't want to sit down somewhere and take too much away from those crazy holiday deals. As we narrowed down some places we would like to go she continued to ask "well can you eat here" because her favorite daughter (ME) is a vegetarian and eating out can sometimes be tricky. So thoughtful of my momma to think of me. Lucky for her, many fast-casual/fast-food places now-a-day offer a variety of meatless option wonders. It's easy breezy being a vegetarian in 2019 :) Our search to find dinner sparked a conversation about all of the different places that have begun to serve veg friendly options. I was shocked to actually conceptualize just how many different places our veggie-friendly folks can e

Meal Prepping as an Intern & Grad Student

Meal prepping is something that I have done for nearly 3 years and I’m going to share some of my tips with you! Being a full-time college student and dietetic intern, I don’t have a lot of free time and I am constantly on the go. I have found that meal prepping not only helps me stay organized for the week but I am also less likely to choose unhealthy options when I’m on the go (plus I save money!). I pack my lunch for the entire day, even if I will be home early (you never know when you might need an extra snack! J ) I have been meal prepping my lunches for so long that I have a variety of meals I like on hand depending on what I’m hungry for during the week. but 1 st things first… Every Friday or Saturday, I scan through Pinterest and look for lunch ideas that I might want to make for the week. Once I have my meal picked out including snack ideas, I head to the grocery and make sure I get all the ingredients and food items I need. Then, Sunday rolls around and time to m

Cranberry Craze

Almost everyone has cranberries at holiday dinners in one form or another whether it is homemade cranberry sauce or the kind out of the can that continues to hold the shape of the can until cut into…. I have always found that to be oddly satisfying. Anyways, cranberries always seemed to be present at holiday meals but are often overlooked. At your next holiday meal, I challenge you to not overlook these babies because they are packed with some amazing health benefits! We are all probably familiar with the common benefit people use cranberries for… to get rid of or prevent UTIs. However, they have many other benefits. Cranberries are packed full of antioxidants and have many anti-inflammatory properties. They are high in vitamin C and fiber as well. There are many benefits to this health food and I challenge you to work it into your holiday meal. However, to get these health benefits, the can jelly is not your best bet. Making your own cranberry sauce with a little less sugar or purcha

Tacos - Why You Should Eat Them & Their History

According to the What', tacos are a staple in the Mexican diet. I have no Spanish heritage, however tacos are also a staple in my diet. Nothing beats an order of those golden wonders filled with anything and everything my heart desires. At home when I'm cooking my own meal, I will saute up some veggies with all the taco seasonings (cumin, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder are the usual go-tos) and add some sort of protein (some days black beans, some days tofu - depends on what I'm feeling). One of my favorite taco recipes to make is  this one  from that includes shaved brussels sprouts, seasoned corn, and homemade cilantro chimichurri. When I head out to eat I am always searching on the menu for the shrimp tacos - and if they aren't on the menu the restaurant should  really  reconsider...  The beauty of tacos is revealed in their versatility. In a health conscious world, a Taco Bell taco may not be the best