Fad diets: K-E Diet/ tube feeding:
I heard about this diet before as a new trend between brides to be to lose weight however I never really knew exactly what the steps to be on this diet are. The steps should be done by a doctor who place the tube feeding and provide the formula (800 kcal), the cost is about $1500. The person who follow this diet should stay on it for 10 days, and only allowed to disconnect the tube feeding for 10 minutes daily for showering.
Recently I heard that this diet is popular again so I started researching more about it. There are very few scientific resources and plenty of websites and news channels links about it and also about other fad diets. I recommend watching abc report on the diet at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mxJu1RJuFs
One of the websites I found is called “FAD DIET” http://www.faddiet.com . This website list many different diets that have no scientific bases to it. Their disclaimer is “The diets on this web site were published by other people as a serious diet plan. On Fad Diet.com, we present them only as a parody. To show that diet trends are really fairly silly. Please don't injure yourself by consuming too much cabbage (toot toot!) or by consuming too few calories.”
I think that we, as future dietitians, should be aware of these diets and we should be prepared to answer questions, educate and provide alternatives or modifications if the person insists on following a certain fad diet.


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