New Cystic Fibrosis malnutrition screening tool

A malnutrition screening tool was recently evaluated for pediatric patients diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Up to now there has not been a nutrition screening tool for CF patients that considers all relevant clinical variables. The idea is to promote earlier detection of clinical risk.

The tool assigned a score of 1 or 2 to 10 risk factors for malnutrition with a maximum malnutrition score of 14. Risk factors included BMI, pancreatic insufficiency, weight gain less than minimum, dietary intake less than 100%, CF related diabetes and albumin < 3.5 mg/dL.

It is important to note wt. and % intake. CF patients require a high Kcal diet due to their systems constant battle against disease related factors.Serum albumin is normally not considered an indicator when diagnosing malnutrition status. However, in the case of CF, albumin level is an indicator of serum protein reserves and can reflect acute visceral protein depletion. Albumin has also been associated with severity of pulmonary involvement because it is a potent pulmonary antioxidant.

When assessing level of malnutrition, this new tool includes a mild or low category. Out of the 14 total points max, < or = 3 is low, 4 - 7 is moderate and > or = 8 is high. Is this a new trend creeping into malnutrition screening tools?

Journal of the AND,Validation of a Nutrition Screening Tool for Pediatric Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, 2016 



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