Eating Out with a Vegetarian

As my mom and I were shopping today (because it's the most wonderful time of year!), a grumble of hunger came over us. We both agreed to grab a bite to eat before we headed out to shop 'til we drop any further. However, shopping 'til dropping takes time and we didn't want to sit down somewhere and take too much away from those crazy holiday deals. As we narrowed down some places we would like to go she continued to ask "well can you eat here" because her favorite daughter (ME) is a vegetarian and eating out can sometimes be tricky. So thoughtful of my momma to think of me. Lucky for her, many fast-casual/fast-food places now-a-day offer a variety of meatless option wonders. It's easy breezy being a vegetarian in 2019 :)

Our search to find dinner sparked a conversation about all of the different places that have begun to serve veg friendly options. I was shocked to actually conceptualize just how many different places our veggie-friendly folks can eat! See a list of some creations and swaps below:

McDonalds- I can see where a vegetarian could be a little disappointed in meatless options here. Luckily, most locations serve breakfast all day! Order an egg mcmuffin - the sausage and you got yourself a meatless protein meal. They also offer yogurt parfaits which could be another way to get your protein in.

Burger King- You can't go anywhere now without hearing about "The Impossible Whopper". As someone who has tried it myself, let me just say I AM HERE FOR IT. One bite of this "burger" and you have no clue that you aren't eating meat. Definitely a good go-to if you are short on time, and the only thing around is the classic BK drive-thru.

Five Guy's- I was shocked to find that Five Guy's Burgers and Fries have vegetarian friendly options. This place offers a veggie sandwich made with grilled peppers, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. I was also shocked to find this entree item is one of the lowest calorie options on the menu (280 calories per sandwich).

Chipotle- Our favorite Mexican grill offers a veggie bowl/burrito (HELLO FREE GUAC!), but they also offer an alternative "meat" as well. Grilled with all your favorite Mexican spices, Chipotle has sofritas on their menu, or otherwise known as ground up soy beans. When you are looking for that extra kick and taste in your Chipotle order, this is a great option.

Taco Bell- Anything on the Taco Bell menu that has meat in it can be swapped out for beans you just have to ask. BEANS, BEANS THE MAGICAL FOOD. As a disclaimer, I would recommend the black beans over the refried beans as those can sometimes be made with animal lard. This could be an easy way to incorporate some more fiber into your meal as well.

Dunkin- My go-to coffee place now offers an alternative meat sandwich! New to their menu, the ''beyond sausage sandwich" offers 10 grams of meatless protein. They also offer a veggie egg white on an english muffin that involves no meat. This could be a different way to incorporate veggies into a busy day that might not allow for cooking.

Now of course we should always limit our fast-food consumption as most of these products are high in fat and sodium. However, sometimes life is life and you just don't want to make dinner or sit in a dark restaurant, so a drive-thru may be your best option. Perhaps this list can inspire you to go meatless next time you decide to eat out!


Clark, D. (2018, March 1). The Best Vegetarian Fast Food Options at 9 Popular Chains. Retrieved from


  1. This was such a cool blog! I think many people who are vegetarians are left with minimal options so it is awesome to see that there are becoming wider ranges of options at local quick-eat places! This is also helpful information for people who are potentially interested in making the transition to vegetarian! Super helpful blog!


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