Do you struggle with pre and post exercise nutrition?

What should i eat before and after a workout?

First things first…carbohydrates, proteins and fats are important for the body before and after exercise. Exercising muscle preferentially uses carbohydrates from stored glycogen, but fats are also an important fuel source for energy production during exercise. Fats and carbohydrates are the two major fuel sources during exercise. Fats must be translocated and broken down from their storage form before they are used. Typically there is enough carbohydrate stored as muscle glycogen for exercise but as muscle glycogen stores decline, the skeletal muscle will then use some amino acids (basic components of all protein). More specifically, the amino acid leucine is used for energy.

            It is important to consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates exercise to delay fatigue and minimize gastrointestinal distress. It is also important to consume enough fluids to prevent hypohydration.

Now, lets talk about pre-exercise meals. These meals should contain, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Protein and fat can aid in satiety and prevent feelings of hunger. Liquids should also be consumed prior to exercise.

                                                 The recommendation: 1 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of
                                                      body weight to be consumed 1 hour prior to exercise.

Example: 2 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight should be consumed 2 hours prior to exercise.
Example: 3-4.5 g/kg should be consumed 3-4 hours prior to exercise.

Now, lets talk about post-exercise meals. These meals should also contain carbohydrates, protein and fat. It is important to replenish liver and muscle glycogen stores that were lost during exercise. Adequate fluids should also be consumed after exercise. Timing is important after exercise, therefore, in order to maximize the rate at which muscle glycogen is replaced, carbohydrates should be consumed as soon as possible after exercise.

                                               The recommendation: 1.5 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of
                                        body weight be consumed the first hour immediately after exercising.

Including protein in your post-exercise meal is also important because it can increase the rate at which muscle glycogen is replaced.

Now that we have some understanding of the importance or carbohydrates, protein, and fat before and after exercise, these are just stated, recommendations. Each individual has their own set of preferences and can tolerate certain foods before and after exercise. Timing, amount, and type of food can vary from person to person.


Dunford, M., & Doyle, J. A. (2015). Nutrition for sport and exercise (3rd ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.


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