The Spring Break Bounce Back

 The Spring Break Bounce Back

Getting to the end of the semester




Spring break has come to an end- you are in the 57% of Americans (stats from 2021) that just got back from traveling and you have to find the motivation to sprint to the end of that Spring semester……where do you even begin?

No worries. We got your back ;)

Here are some tips to help you get to the end of the semester:


1.     Make Sleep A priority

Good sleep is great way to keep your body healthy and mind refreshed to keep your goals to finish school strong in check. Getting enough sleep will also help to keep your mood positive and your focus sharp.

2.     Being Mindful

Mindfulness is all about awareness: recognizing your needs and honoring yourself by taking care of those needs. Bringing an attention to mindfulness in your life will help keep stress levels low. Mindful comes in all forms: like mindful eating, taking breaks when you need them, meditating, etc.

3.     Write It Down

You know that the end of the semester is creeping up. Write down everything you have coming up to get it out of your head and on paper (or electronic). Even if you already have a list going, bust it out to remind you of what’s coming up….and take a moment to make any adjustments.

4.     Break Up Your Plans

Alright- you have your list, it’s all written out….but sometimes those bigger tests or projects can seem overwhelming. Take the opportunity to break up these to dos into smaller more achievable goals (example: set aside time to work on that project for multiple days- writing the intro to that paper on one day, working on a chapter another day, etc.). 

5.     Stay Positive

Keeping a good positive attitude will help you stay focused and motivated. You can write out good thoughts on post its and keep them in places you frequent everyday (example: on a calendar, around a mirror, in the kitchen, etc.). If you do have negative thoughts wafting through you mind, ask yourself…. ‘is it true’ and ‘will believing it help me become a better version of myself?’[1] If no, then no reason to believe it.

6.     Surround Yourself With Support

Keep friends and family close- they can be a great network for support when you feel like you’re struggling. Don’t forgot about your college peers. Chances are if you are feeling bogged down by the end spring break slump they are too. Talking it out with friends/family/peers can help you ease some of the stress (and it may help them too).


You’ve made it this far…. you’re almost there….you can do it.

Take care of you, make a plan, and keep loved ones close by.






  1. Definitely needed this reminder with the end of the semester approaching so soon. Wonderful post!

  2. I appreciate your post. Too many of us start to neglect our self-care, as our stress increases. We are consumed with our goals for the semester, such as achieving those A's, and we won't let anything come in the way of that. But we really need to breathe a little, surround ourselves with support, and get that much needed sleep we need!
    Thank you for the reminder!


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