Seed Smarts

Have you ever considered starting your own garden? I know I have, but what has held me back year after year is not knowing a thing about planting seeds. However, I love the idea of grocery shopping in my own backyard. Of course gardening saves you money on food in the long run, but what is even better is reaping the fresh and organic produce, straight from garden to table. Well, if you are stumped about seeds, look no further. Here are the tips you’ve been waiting for to get started on your vegetation voyage this season.

Where to Start

Before you can do anything, you have to decide where these seeds will be going. What should you think about when picking a spot? 

• Sunlight. You want to make sure the seeds will be planted in a spot with full sun exposure for at least 5 hours per day. 

• Proximity. Will you be able to reach the garden with the hose? Or walk to it easily with a watering can? Can you even see it from your windows to monitor it (and remember to tend to it)? 

• Protection. A safe garden is one that isn’t too high or too low in altitude. Locating it in middle-ground will shield it from wind (high places) or frost (low places). You also might want to make sure wildlife or the neighbor’s kids and pets can’t access it easily. 

How to Set Up 

 • Dig up your ground plot… Make the garden beds just 3-4 feet in width. Any wider and you’ll be walking directly above growing seeds to tend to them. You want to be able to easily reach your plants from either side. 

Decide how deep to plant the seeds… Though all plants are different, a safe bet is to look at how wide your seeds are, and dig a hole that is 2-3 times that measurement in depth. 

• Give them their space… Make sure you space out your seeds according to how big they will be, not how big the seeds are now. You want to give them plenty of room to grow and flourish! 

When to Plant 

• Best months: Late March to late May is the safest time period to plant your seeds. 

• Rule of thumb: Plant seeds 4-6 weeks before the approximate date of the last winter frost. 

• Mind your zone: Some plants flourish in southern geographical zones, while others like the cooler weather in the north. Make sure you do a little research on how long your seeds will take to mature and whether they will grow better in the spring months or the summer. 



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