Scale Up Your Health: Why Fish Fridays During Lent Are a Win-Win
Scale Up Your Health: Why Fish Fridays During Lent Are a Win-Win Hey there, fellow Lent observers! As we navigate another season of "Fish Fridays," I've been thinking about how this religious tradition actually has some amazing health perks. If you're like me, you might sometimes view these meatless Fridays as a sacrifice, but I've realized they're a blessing in disguise. Swapping your regular protein for seafood once a week isn't just about following tradition—it's a fantastic opportunity to load up on nutrients that many of us don't get enough of in our regular diets. The Nutritional Benefits of Eating Fish Rich in High-Quality Protein Fish is among the best sources of complete protein available, containing all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own. A typical 3-4 ounce serving of fish provides about 20-25 grams of protein, comparable to other animal proteins but often with fewer calories and saturated ...