
Formula Improves Bedsores for Malnourished Patients


            A randomized trial published in a recent issue of Annals of Internal Medicine found that malnourished adult patients in Italy with pressure ulcers have benefited from oral formulas including zinc, arginine and antioxidant supplements. The supplement was given to 100 of 200 malnourished patients with stage 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcers. After 8 weeks, the group receiving the oral supplement showed a greater reduction in ulcer area. No other study has found that oral formula could improve outcomes for older patients with pressure ulcers, however, no other study has looked at these specific nutrients working together.

            This is important for clinical management, because pressure ulcers are a very common hospital-acquired condition. Being able to improve the severity of these ulcers in malnourished patients through a nutrition supplement further validates the necessity of dietitians as key players on the healthcare team.


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