Micro Intakes

Pharmavite Study Using NHANES Data Shows Obese Adults Have Lowest Micronutrient Intakes


            A new study published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition looked at the typical consumption of micronutrients between normal, overweight and obese American adults. The information came from 2001-2008 NHANES data and found that overweight and obese Americans were less likely to reach their EAR in nutrients like calcium than their normal weight counterparts. This study also looked at vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as choline, fiber, potassium and magnesium and in every category, overweight and obese individuals showed a lower intake than normal weight individuals.

            This study and results are important for clinical dietitians because it gives evidence to what is already known: overweight and obese Americans aren't eating a nutritionally-dense diet. Although the information can seem repetitive, it is important to continue educating patients on the importance of consuming diets that are micronutrient-rich.


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