All About Gut Health

All About Gut Health


It is clear that the importance of keeping a healthy gut microbiota has increased over the last few years. Although many people have heard of prebiotics and probiotics, is it clear what they do?

To put it simply, prebiotics feed our good gut bacteria. They are non-digestible food components that promote growth and therefore improve gastrointestinal health. Consuming bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, and whole-wheat foods are great ways to incorporate more prebiotics into the diet.

Probiotics are the actual good bacteria that are naturally found in the gut. These bacteria work to balance the gut flora by repopulating it. The gut has a very large effect on our immune system, and having a healthy gut flora is beneficial for immunity and overall health. Probiotics are commonly found as live cultures in dairy foods such as yogurt, kefir, and aged cheeses. Non-dairy probiotic options include kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, and tempeh.

It is ultimately important to consume both of these components because prebiotics are the food that feeds probiotics. If a product combines both prebiotics and probiotics, it is referred to as a symbiotic. An example of this would be eating a banana with yogurt.





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