Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is something I just learned about recently.  I used to be the type of person that had a diet mentality.  Even when I wasn’t specifically on a diet, I would still restrict myself from eating things that I wanted or feel bad when I ate things that I knew were not necessarily good for me.  This type of behavior led to me craving all the food I wasn’t allowing myself to have and then eventually letting loose and consuming it in large amounts.  I would then feel guilty about it, it was a vicious cycle.  If I would have just let myself have a piece of pizza or a small piece of cake, could I have avoided this type of behavior?  

After reading the book Intuitive Eating A Revolutionary Program That Works, I realized there was a way to stop this behavior.  The main thing I learned is that you have to give in to cravings sometimes.  Let yourself know that you are allowed to eat what you want in moderation.  The second you restrict yourself, the more you want it. By allowing yourself to eat what you want, it will cause you to want it less.  Haven’t you heard the saying “you always want what you can’t have” or once you have it, you no longer want it?  Well, this saying refers to food as well.  However, doing this is not as easy as it may seem.  You still have to get rid of the voice in your head, also known as the food police, telling you that you should feel guilty about anything “bad” you eat. Sometimes this takes time but once you stop feeling guilty about eating what you want, you are ready to be an intuitive eater.  

With intuitive eating does come the problem of moderation verse restriction.  You no longer want to restrict yourself from any food but you also don’t want to just start eating everything you see.  There is a balance you have to find in order to be your healthiest self.  Intuitive eating helps you learn about yourself.  You need to know the difference of when you’re really craving a sweet snack or are just bored and want to eat a whole tub of ice cream.   

Making peace with food is the ultimate goal, once you can do that, you will be at a good place with both food and yourself.


Tribole E. Resch E. Intuitive Eating A Revolutionary Program That Work: New York, NY:
St. Martin’s Press; 2012


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