All Breakfast, All The Time

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Hands down. I could eat breakfast food for every meal. (and I have many times before). I wake up looking forward to breakfast. But what about those days when you know you’re about to have a crazy morning, you’re already getting up an hour earlier, and having time to make breakfast seems impossible?

Breakfast on the go is the way to go!

No, I don’t mean stopping for something at a fast food place. I mean making something easy and healthy right at home! You’ll save money and you’ll get to make exactly what you want.

There are plenty of easy recipes to make in advance to keep you full and focused throughout your busy mornings. My uncle has referred to me multiple times as being part of the “microwave generation,” meaning we want everything at our fingertips immediately. Why should a balanced. breakfast be any different?

One of my personal favorites is overnight oats. They’re full of fiber and protein to fill you up and completely customizable. Here is a really basic recipe, but you can add any toppings or flavors to make it 100% your own!

1/3 cup milk (or milk alternative)
1/4 cup rolled or steel cut oats
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
2 tsp honey
1 tsp cinnamon
Directions: Mix all ingredients together. Refrigerate overnight. Stir and enjoy!

You can change it up by adding fresh or dried fruits (fresh berries or bananas are amazing in this recipe). Sometimes, I like to put crunchy peanut butter in there for a little texture and extra protein. You can add flax and chia seeds for some extra healthy fats. There are infinite possibilities with overnight oats! Make it anyway that appeals to you and will help you stick to a healthy breakfast, even on your busiest days!

Recipe from



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