Got Milk?

It seems like every time I go to the grocery store there is a new kind of milk to choose from. There’s regular milk, oat milk, almond milk, soymilk, lactose free milk…and the list goes on. I don’t know about you, but this wide selection can be a bit overwhelming to choose from.  Real quick, let’s clarify what milk actually is. Milk comes from a mammal like a cow or goat; anything that is plant-based is a milk alternative. 

So which option is the best to pull of the shelf?

Every kind of milk or milk alternative beverage has something different to bring to the table. It mostly depends on your own personal preference. Let’s go through a few of the popular options and talk about the differences.

·      Regular milk has a bunch of nutrients that are a little harder to find in other foods or drinks.  Calcium and Vitamin D are extremely important for growing and bone health. A glass of skim milk also contains Vitamin A and 8g of protein.

Nutrition Facts:                
·      Someone who is lactose intolerant might choose lactose free milk. Basically, it is still regular milk but without the lactose (sugar in milk). It provides the same nutrients as regular milk.

·      Almond milk is a great alternative for someone who doesn’t like the taste of regular milk. Almond milk can be bought sweetened or unsweetened. Unsweetened is the way to go since there aren’t any added sugars.  You can also pick from chocolate or vanilla flavors. This is also a great option for someone who is a vegan or follows a plant-based diet. It is a great source of vitamin E and there is more calcium than regular milk. The downside is the lack of protein.

·      Soymilk is a great option for someone who is vegan or dislikes the taste of regular milk. Soymilk has 7g of protein, which is more than almond milk but less than regular milk. Also, soy is the only plant-based source that contains all the essential amino acids.



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