The Makings of the Perfect Smoothie

The Makings of the Perfect Smoothie

Do you ever go to a juice bar or a smoothie shop and think “how can I recreate this?!”

Well with just 6 easy steps, you can start developing your own smoothie masterpieces and heaping tons of nutritional benefits!

Step 1: Choose your Base- 
This is typically a liquid, for instance, plant milk, cow’s milk, fresh pressed juice, coconut water or milk, water, or even iced coffee. A base helps develop the consistency. In addition, the milks will have calcium, fresh pressed orange juice will be loaded with vitamin C, and coconut water is hydrating and loaded with electrolytes to replenish you.

Step 2:  Choose Fresh or Frozen Fruit
Fruit will provide you with fiber and various micronutrients. Fruits are hydrating and can sweeten your smoothie.  Options include bananas, mangoes, peaches, blueberries, pineapple, strawberries, apples, and frozen acai.

Step 3: Add Some Greens-
Greens are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, and iron. Some green options you can add in include spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, and collard greens.

Step Four: Make it Creamy
 Some items to make your smoothie creamy include chia seeds, nut butters, coconut meat, gluten-free oats, and ice.

Step Five: Give it a Boost!
 Protein powder, flax seeds, spirulina, coconut oil, fresh ginger, bee pollen, cacao powder, and maca powder are all examples of boosters that all individually add a nutritional kickstart to the day.  

Step 6: Make it Sweet
 Cinnamon, dates, raw honey, pure maple syrup, vanilla extract, and figs all add a little extra sweetness to any smoothie.



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