Student Self-Care

 Student Self-Care 


As a dietetic intern, grad student, and graduate assistant, I know we can all often feel drained and overworked. Professional self-care can be extremely beneficial to both your mental and physical well-being. But what does true self-care look like and how is it achieved? By having a healthy balance between your school/work life and personal life means you are practicing self-care. However, I know prioritizing your self-care over work can be difficult and take practice. So, here are a few tips on how to incorporate professional self-care into your day.  


College Forward | 18 Absolutely Free Virtual Self-Care Tips to Try -  College Forward

Start With Small, Attainable Changes

Don’t jump into making huge changes to your routine too quickly. It’s okay to start by making small adjustments that you believe you can be successful at. As you set your priorities make sure you are caring for yourself during the work week.


Separate Work Time from Personal Time

It’s helpful to set clear endpoints to your workday – you don’t need to pull an all-nighter. Consider what time you are going to stop doing homework, studying, checking email etc., and try to honor that time. Differentiating work time from personal time should start giving you a healthy balance. You can also try a calming activity once you’ve finished for the day to transition into your personal time, like mediation, yoga, or exercising. 


2 Sides - Same Coin: Work Life Balance Strategies For 2022

Stay Organized

Staying organized is a form of self-care that can help you feel less overwhelmed. Keeping a calendar of your schedule and your to do list in a notebook or planner allows you to clearly outline your tasks. Try making a checklist, prioritize your top 2-3 tasks each day, and set deadlines. 


Take Breaks Throughout the Workday

Even when you are busy, it’s important to take short breaks throughout the day. Breaks help to clear your mind so you can come back to your work feeling refreshed. Breaks also give your eyes a rest from the screen. So, take a few minutes to get up, stretch, and take a breath. Lunch is an important break time that many people skip or shorten. Be sure to take a full lunch break and refuel your mind and body with a healthy meal.


Tips for Making the Most of your Work Breaks - Healthworks Egonomics

Create a Healthy Workspace

Self-care also includes creating a good environment for yourself. Having an organized workspace free of clutter can create a more calming atmosphere and reduce stress. Try adding a personal touch with an essential oil diffuser, a plant, or some artwork. 


Don’t Overload Yourself

Evaluate your workload throughout the day and keep track of progress. It’s easy to over-commit to projects and plans. Be sure to consider your needs, available resources, and time. It’s better to scale back on work or slow down than to rush through a project so you can complete more tasks. Don’t overextend yourself. 


Create a Support System

At the end of the day, everyone needs a team of loved ones to support them. Make sure you have good people around you who will stand behind you and keep you motivated. Support systems have been shown to improve overall health by reducing stress and anxiety.  

- DZ


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