Quick and Simple Pre-Workout Snack Ideas
It is important to fuel your body before and after working out! Depending on what activities you enjoy, it can play a role in what foods you choose to eat before a sweat session. It can be hard to find time to snack when going about your daily life, or you may even go without the pre-workout meal or snack. Making time to eat before the gym can make you feel better throughout the hour that you are there. Here are some simple on-the-go snacks you can try when you are trying to get some energy!
Oats are a great source of fiber and carbohydrates! This can be very versatile because you can make them in many ways, takes little time to make, and you can also add protein powder if needed. Banana nut bread oatmeal, cinnamon roll oatmeal, and raspberry white chocolate overnight oats are some recipes you could try!
Greek Yogurt
A reliable source of protein and you can pair it with your favorite fruits or granola
If you suffer from cramping, eating a banana prior to working out can help. It is full of potassium and promotes healthy muscle function. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are perfect on-the-go snacks, and just the right portion to keep you tide over during your lift or run.
Quick Energy snacks
Handful of your favorite gummy snacks
Mini Rice crispy treat
Carbohydrates are essential in our daily lives and give you the energy to get through the day. If you are planning to eat beforehand, here is just some rule of thumb so you are not starving or uncomfortably full. Also keep in mind that the longer you work out, the more energy (carbs) you should eat throughout the day.
Time before workout Grams of carb
30 minutes 15 grams
1 hour 30 grams
1 – 2 hours 45 grams
2 – 3 hours 60 grams
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