American vs. The UK Dietary Guidelines

Same Food, Different Results Why is the American diet unhealthier than countries in Europe? Have you ever wondered how we are more prone to obesity and other preventable diseases than those in the UK? It is not that we are eating any more than those that live in Italy or France, it is the ingredients that is in our prepackaged foods. Why???? According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, “the average American diet consists of excess salt, saturated fat, refined grains, calories from solid fats and added sugars.” Most large food companies in America add extra sugars and addictive additives to their products to keep us coming back for more. In the UK there are regulations and bans against these kinds of additives. They are stricter with what goes into their food than the United States. Misleading Packaging In America, they can make false claims on the packaging and can hide what truly goes into that prepackaged food until proven guilty. The UK tells you specifically what is in it. For example, a girl came to America from Australia and bought the same cookie here that they sold in Australia. Turns out that our cookie had three times the amount of sugar added! "I think this is one area where we can pat ourselves on the back because the Australian dietary guidelines provide the public with guidelines that are food-specific and easier to understand." We should do a better job regulating what goes in our food and be more proactive than reactive when it comes to our health. A.I.W.,takes%20a%20more%20proactive%20approach.


  1. I loved this topic! It is crazy that the food in America is completely different than that sold in other countries under the same brand. We really need to get the information out to the public to let the consumer have an educated choice when shopping.


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