Be A Snacking Super Star

How many of us find ourselves having a mid-day crash? We are tired, loose concentration, and sometimes feel hungry. Snacking between meals is a great way to maintain enery levels and keep you focused throughout the day.
How Should We Snack?
To get the most out of your snacking, keep it balanced by pairing whole grains with lean proteins. Keep snacks evenly distributed throughout the day. Have about 2-3 small snacks a day. Add snacks between breakfast, lunch, and a few hours before bedtime if you're feeling hungry.
Benefits Of Healthy Snacking:
Consistent snacking throughout the day keeps blood sugar steady. You will avoid the sugar lows or spikes of an insonsistent eating pattern. This will help maintain energy levels and keep you focused. Research has also shown healthy snacks can reduce cholesterol. Finally, healthy snacks can help you add the nutrients and fiber you need for a balanced diet.
Mix and Match Your Favorite Whole Grains With Lean Protein To Get A Super Star Snack!
Try Berries and Greek Yogurt
Make a simple and healthy Peanut Butter and Yogurt Apple Dip