Navigating Vegetarian Cuisine during the Holidays

 It can be difficult to put together a meal for someone with dietary preferences/restrictions. It can also be hard as a vegetarian on holidays too because there are not that many options for you to choose from. Holiday food tends to be meat-centric (ham, turkey, roasts, etc.) and don't offer a lot of variety when it comes to what someone who is vegetarian can eat. I have included some tips to consider whether you are vegetarian or hosting someone who is vegetarian. I have also included some fun recipes you can try on the Holidays. 


1. Know where you are going- It's important to know where you are going or whether you are hosting so, that you can plan in advance. 

2. Educate the host- A lot of people don't know what exactly vegetarians can and cannot eat, so it is important to educate them. It is important to educate them, so that they can make food that you can eat, or you can share some recipes with them!

3. Bring your own food - If all else fails you can just bring your own food. It may be easier on you and on the host. This is also a good opportunity to expand vegetarian/vegan cuisine because there will be questions. 

4. Avoid cross contamination- If you are hosting it is important to prepare and cook all vegetarian dishes separate from animal foods. Properly clean and sanitize surfaces and use separate cutting boards.

5. Remember the purpose of the day- Food is the center of many celebrations, but spending time with family, friends and loved ones is also important too. It is important to remember the memories created with loved ones and not just focus on food. 

Good substitutes to use:

1.Nutritional yeast- cheese like taste

2. Walnuts- good source of Omegas-3 and can be ground up to resemble ground beef

3. Quiona or brown rice- good source of protein and fiber

4. Tofu- can be used to make anything (scramble, roasted, baked, etc). Good source of protein too

5. Edamame- rich in vitamins and minerals. Good source of protein

A Plant-Based-Diet-Friendly Holiday Cooking Guide (

Getting Through the Holidays as a Vegetarian or Vegan - VN (


1. Slow Cooker Vegan Portobello Pot Roast

Slow Cooker Vegan Portobello “Pot Roast” | McCormick Gourmet

2. BBQ Pulled Jackfruit

Easy BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches - Eating Bird Food

3. Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Skinny Cauliflower Mac and Cheese - Damn Delicious

4.Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe | McCormick

5. Stuffed Parmesan Spaghetti Squash

Stuffed Parmesan Spaghetti Squash | McCormick

6. Crockpot Cranberry Stuffing

Crockpot Cranberry Stuffing | McCormick



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