How to get Kids to eat their Veggies!

How to get Kids to Eat their Veggies!

“They smell bad.”
“They look funny.”
“They taste horrible.”

These are three common statements made by children about their vegetables before they have tasted them. Vegetables are very important for children because they have a ton of nutrients that are important in nourishing their body. 

This blog is going to give the tips and tricks on how to get your children to eat vegetables! YAY!

1.     Try a different cooking method – Steamed seems to be the worst way to cook vegetables for children.  Try to sauté them in a frying pan or roasting them in the oven.  Cook them until crispy….kids tend to like this way the best!

2.     Try to add some seasonings like pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a pinch of salt to the vegetables. This adds a ton of flavor and can help with the smell as well.

3.     Present the vegetables in a way that is fun for the kids.  One example is doing “ants on a log” -  you take a piece of celery (log), spread some peanut butter on it, and add raisins to the peanut butter (ants). This is a very creative and fun way to get kids to eat their veggies!

4.     Set a good example! If your child sees that you do not eat veggies, they won’t either!

Some children are very picky eaters while others are not.  Trying a different vegetable each week would be very helpful in giving your child a variety and hopefully they will enjoy eating a few of them! Try your best to get your child to eat as many veggies as possible! 

If you have any more tips and tricks please LETTUCE know! J



How to Make Vegetables Fun for Your Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved February 04, 2019, from for children&cus_teaser=kwd-5698570208&gclid=CjwKCAiA4t_iBRApEiwAn-vt-4euzYOTN5RYnm7ixKHs6YteEXlBcUUMGP0nnXvOtDe3EBlQULg-4RoCHyYQAvD_BwE


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