Keeping Up With New Year’s Resolutions!

With the New Year, comes a lot of new ambition. It’s the perfect time to start focusing in on goals that you’ve wanted to accomplish for a while now but just haven’t had the time. January 1st, a new month, but even better, a new year, the perfect time for change! This is the time when most people decide they are going to start a new diet, eat healthier, lose weight, ETC.  I am all for a “new year, new me” type of attitude, however, around the time February hits, the motivation kind of goes out the window.  I totally get it, you’ve been working really hard to eat healthy and workout but just aren’t seeing the results you wanted or you just don’t think you can do it much longer, well don’t give up!
New Year’s resolutions can be daunting but they are a great place to start for living a healthier lifestyle.  Your resolutions should be ones that are meant to be long term which means they will take longer to accomplish as well (with that being said, crash diets do not work!!).  Don’t be discouraged if you feel like you’re not meeting your goals, the hardest ones are always the ones that take the longest.  Another thing, you need to pick goals that are realistic and accomplishable. If you pick a goal that is currently out of reach, chances are you’ll give up before even getting anywhere near it. The focus should be on taking small steps towards the big goal.  If you do that, not only will you see small improvements but it will get you closer to your big goal that was once out of reach.
As I mentioned, it seems the most popular New Year’s resolutions are diets and weight loss. These types of resolutions take time but are really life changing ones.  I am aware that we are well past the New Year but this post is for the people who didn’t pick a resolution or are ready to give up on their current one. 
Start off by picking a nutrition/health goal you’d like to accomplish (or use the one you already have) and then make a road map on how you can get to that goal.  Just by trying to eat your fruits and veggies every day or adding a workout to your daily routine is a huge accomplishment and a step in the right direction.  There are many ways to accomplish goals but the main way is to not give up.  Start off small and you will eventually get the results you want.  Stay consistent and don’t rush the process! Anything that happens to quickly probably isn’t going to last (ex: cutting out all carbs, you’ll lose weight fast but gain it back just as quickly).  Be smart with how you achieve your goals and it will help you stick with them! 

-Make goals accomplishable
-Stay focused, be patient
-Congratulate yourself on small accomplishments
-Don’t take short cuts
-Don’t give up!!



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