Candy Craziness!!!


Are you a mother with children who trick or treat and collect a gigantic bag of candy and want to eat it all in one night!? You have come to the right place!

This post will talk about tips and tricks on how to keep your kids from eating that huge bag of candy, so they are not all hyped up on sugar that night into the next day (or week)!

We all know how excited children get dressing up for trick-or-treat and collecting all the candy that their bag or pillowcase can fit! The first tip is…. feed the children a nutritious meal BEFORE the festivities begin. This will make them feel fuller and possibly not consume as much candy that night

The second tip is to get some exercise in during the time of trick-or-treating… actually walk to the house that might be a mile down the road…setting a goal of how many streets you want to conquer will get the kids excited about walking (or possible running) to the next house! Another way to keep them active is playing Halloween games like a spider crawl or zombie dance.

The third tip is to have some fun activities for the kids to do when they are done trick or treating (if time does not allow, do the activities beforehand).  Some in-season activities would be things like bobbing for apples, decorating oranges into jack-o-lanterns, decorating bananas into ghosts (in a healthy way, please see pictures below) and playing hide and go seek by using a small prize (please not candy) and having the kiddos try to find them! Hide them in “scary places” or in your Halloween decorations to add to the fun!

The main goal of all of this post is to give the moms a few ideas on how to make trick-or-treating more enjoyable but also nutritious. In summary, have your children feel full before trick-or-treating begins, get some exercise going in them, and keep them preoccupied after they trick-or-treat with fun games and activities to do so they are not focused on eating all the candy!

Image result for using bananas into ghosts




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