Fast Food and Plant-Based Alternatives

Many American’s are trying to reduce their meat consumption due to health and environmental concerns. As the movement to reduce meat intake grows, the food and restaurant industries are taking note and responding. Companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have already brought beef alternatives to market and Perdue and Tyson Foods are working to develop poultry alternatives. There have always been vegetarian and vegan options to choose from, but the latest trend is to offer products that taste just like meat in an effort to present meat-lovers with an option they can feel good about without sacrificing their craving for “meaty goodness”.

Recently, Burger King added the Impossible Whopper to their line-up featuring the plant-based Impossible Burger. At first glance I love the idea of fast food restaurants offering plant-based meat substitutes on their menus. I gave the Impossible Whopper a try and honestly, I could not tell that it wasn’t a beef product. In fact, don’t tell anyone, but I secretly thought it was DELISCIOUS. It’s a little more expensive than the original Whopper but I think it will be a successful product for the Burger King chain. Even the most finicky carnivore can indulge in a meatless meal without feeling a great sacrifice has occurred.

From an environmental standpoint I support this effort 100%. I’m from the camp that feels climate change is a crisis that needs to be addressed here and now. Embracing plant-based alternatives will lead to less consumption of meat, which in turn, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the suffering of factory farmed animals. There lies my support of products like Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger.

My problem with these products is that the plant-based element suggests these fast food offerings are a healthy alternative and many American’s are turning to these products from a health perspective. After reviewing the ingredient lists and nutrition labels, I don’t feel that is a valid assessment. So, let’s let the BUYER BE AWARE! These are highly processed products abundant in saturated fat and sodium:

The Impossible Burger Turn it into an Impossible Whopper
Calories 240  630
Total Fat 14 g  34 g
Saturated Fat 8 g  11 g
Sodium 370 mg  1080 mg
(Complete nutrition information can be found at and )

In conclusion, I accept these products as a friendlier alternative for the planet and animals and fully support this effort. But if good nutrition is your goal, enjoy it as an occasional treat and on most days, opt for something else!



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