An Apple A Day

Fall is a wonderful time of year in Ohio to do things outdoors. A fun outdoor activity everyone enjoys is apple picking. I recently picked 20lbs of apples for $20 at Arrowhead Orchard in Paris, Ohio. Not only is it fun to wander through the trees and personally select each apple, but you also can’t beat the price! I enjoyed picking and then eating the many different varieties of apples than what is typical at the grocery store. My favorite types of apples are crisp or crunchy and slightly tart. Fortunately, there is an apple for everyone with some apples being soft, or sweet as well. 


A great recipe that utilizes your fresh local ingredient is an apple crisp. I followed this simple Apple Crisp recipe. The recipe was quick and utilized ingredients that were already in the cupboard. The dessert was a hit, with none left in the house by the end of the day. A bonus is that the baking apples and cinnamon leave your home smelling delicious. 


For an alternative low-calorie option, sprinkle apple slices with ground cinnamon and serve with cheese or peanut butter. I eat this snack as part of my lunch on almost a daily basis! However, you eat your apples keep in mind the positive health benefits apples provide. A medium-sized apple (2 & 1/2 inch) is 81 calories. Apples have no sodium, no fat, and no cholesterol making them a heart healthy food. Apples also provide soluble and insoluble fiber helping to keep cholesterol levels low. Additionally, apples contain vitamin C an important antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, preventing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been found to play a role in many chronic diseases.


Make sure to head to an orchard or farmers market near you for some apples this season! 





  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog! I live near Arrowhead Orchard and I didn't know you could get that many apples for that price... I will definitely be making a trip there! Honey crisp apples are my favorite during this time of year because they are so sweet and so crisp! Thanks for providing this awesome recipe! -MF


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