MNT for Kidney Stones

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is very common for diabetes, kidney failure, and even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but what about for kidney stones? It may not be an area that we think of calling in the dietitian, but with the high recurrence rate in patients who develop kidney stones, they may benefit from MNT. Many patients with kidney stones have diets that are low in calcium and fiber, and high in refined carbohydrates, protein, and salt. Knowing the kind of kidney stone the patient is suffering from and doing a dietary recall will assist the dietitian in developing a meal plan for the patient. With most kidney stone patients, there is always a need for an increase in fluids. With more of the population wanting natural remedies, food is becoming the new version of a pill and dietitians should take advantage of their ability to help all kinds of patients.


Kohn, J.B. (2014). Is medical nutrition therapy appropriate for kidney stones? Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 114(9) 1496.


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