Winter Preparation!

Hi y’all! Winter is quickly approaching, what better way to prepare than with a yummy hot cocoa recipe! This is a super simple and natural recipe the whole family will love. It’s also packed with nutrients your body will appreciate! I have added images of the exact ingredients I use for my own hot cocoa!


  1. Milk of your choice: almond/nut, soy, cow’s milk, oatmilk, etc.

  2. Organic Cacao Powder

  3. Organic, Raw Honey

  4. OPTIONAL: Collagen Supplement

Directions for 1 serving:

  1. Pour desired amount of milk into cup (~8-12 oz)

  2. Microwave for 2 minutes or heat on stove top until hot

  3. After heated, add one serving of Collagen and stir until dissolved. If not adding collagen, simply skip this step.

  4. Add a heaping TBSP of cacao powder, stir until dissolved

  5. Add desired amount of honey (~1 TBSP). Add more if you want it sweeter, less if you’d like it more bitter.

  6. ENJOY (: 

More about the ingredients! 

Cacao powder is the purest form of chocolate and packed with tons of nutrients! Cacao powder is similar to cocoa powder, it’s just not as processed so all the nutrients are still there! It is an excellent source of iron, protein, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fiber. Cacao powder also contains a small amount of caffeine. Two tablespoons has around 50mg of caffeine which equates to about half a cup of coffee. Some health benefits of cacao powder include reduction of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and other digestive issues because of the fiber. Cacao powder contains flavonoids which have been shown to lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, prevent blood clots, and reduce risk of diabetes. Flavonoids also reduce inflammation throughout the body resulting in a reduced risk for cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression and Alzheimer's disease. Potassium has been shown to decrease risk of heart disease by reducing lower body inflammation and stress on cells. 

Consuming honey is not only good for you, it’s good for the environment too! Honey is rich in antioxidants such as organic acids, phenols, and flavonoids discussed above. These antioxidants may reduce risks of heart attack, blood pressure, stroke, cancer and promote eye health. Honey may lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol. Honey may also suppress the urge to cough if you have a cold. Organic raw, unfiltered honey contains the most nutrients and health benefits. It’s a great natural alternative to added sugar!

Last but not least, collagen! This is an optional ingredient if you have it in the house! Collagen is the main structural component of connective tissues in the body. Although collagen is already being produced in your body, consuming additional collagen has tons of health benefits like helping your body to produce more collagen! It can improve skin, hair and nail health when taken consistently. It promotes the production of elastin and fibrillin which are other structural components of the skin, hair and nails. Collagen can help relieve joint pain by accumulating in cartilage and stimulating your tissue to make more collagen leading to lower inflammation and more joint support. It may also help to prevent bone loss. Because collagen is a complete protein it will help support muscle mass. A serving of collagen usually contains 15-20g of protein! Collagen may also promote a healthy heart by providing structures to your arteries. Collagen may also aid in gut and brain health. There are very few to none known risks for taking a collagen supplement, but many amazing benefits!




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