Back to School, Back on the Grind - Foods to help with Brain Power

The time has come where summer is ending and school is in session. Time to turn that brain power back on and get back to the schedule of assignments and exams. It has been a strange year and a half for most of us, and going back to "normal" schooling can be a new experience to many once again. Learning how focus and be an active student is important in order to learn and become knowledge in many subjects. One way to help increase that brain power and cognitive development is through food. Remember food is medicine and can help in so many ways, plus is taste good :)

Here are some foods that are great to fit into your days meals and snacks:


Full of antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties, berries work to improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia and memory loss. 


Full of omega-3 fatty acids (your good fats) fish is a great source to aid with concentration and memory. Two servings of fish a day can decrease your risk of mental decline and/or dementia. 


One of the first things a person will reach for in the morning in coffee, why? Because it wakes them up and has them feeling like they can take on the day. Caffeine creates a short term affect of increased alertness, improved mood, and sharpened concentration. 


High in Vitamin C and K broccoli can help improve memory. It also contains many great anti-inflammatory properties to help protect the brain from damage. 


Known as a heart healthy fat nuts are great for brain power. Healthy heart = healthy brain. Nuts are also rich in Vitamin E which helps in preventing mental decline and improves focus. 


Rich in Vitamin B6, B12, and choline, eggs are great for increasing mood and memory. Choline works to create a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps with regulating mood and memory. B6 and B12 are important in they help reduce the risk of mental decline which is since in people with dementia. 

All of these great foods can be included into your everyday diet, many of which you can get right at breakfast. After all it is a great way to start off your morning with a healthy and delicious meal that will give you the brain power you need to start this new school year. 




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