Kicking Caffiene


Not Enough Light in the Day

We all appreciated the extra hour of sleep we got thanks to the time change on Sunday, but now the days feel shorter for many of us. The sun setting at 5 makes many of us (including myself) feel the need to reach for another cup of caffeine so our body knows its not quite time for bed. But there is such a thing as too much caffeine.

Caffeine Cons

400 milligrams a day or the equivalent of 4 to 5 cups of coffee as safe. What happens when we regularly exceed that amount? Here are some side effects of over-caffeination:

·         Anxiety

·         Insomnia

·         Digestive issues like diarrhea, acid reflux

·         Muscle breakdown

·         Addiction

·         High blood pressure

·         Increased heart rate

·         Fatigue

·         frequent urination


How can I stay Energized?

1.       Control stress- easier said than done right? Talk with someone about your stress, whether that’s a friend, a colleague, or a mental health professional. We hold stress in our muscles just as much as in our minds, so try stretching at your desk at work, talking a walk, or doing mindful yoga to reset your body and mind.

2.       Get regular sleep- avoid frequent naps and get into a nighttime and morning routine. If you go to bed and wake up at around the same time your body is more likely to get adequate rest. Limit screen time at night and try not to drink sugary or caffeinated drinks a few hours before bed.

3.       Eat for energy- eat foods that have a low glycemic index. This means that sugars are absorbed more slowly throughout the day, so you are less likely to crash later. Try whole-grain foods, high fiber veggies, nuts, and healthy oils for sustainable energy through out the day.

4.       HYDRATE- when you feel the urge to refresh with an iced coffee or soda, try water with fruit for a drink with flavor. One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue, so refresh with water instead.


Like these helpful tips and tricks? Check out these articles for more:

9 Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine (

9 tips to boost your energy — naturally - Harvard Health

Be kind to yourself and each other



  1. I know we are all super busy but for me personally, this hits close to home. When I feel like I need to give more and time is flickering away I am definitely one that reaches for that extra cup of coffee. So just a reminder of keeping the caffeine in check and tips to do that is appreciated :)


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