Water you doing about staying hydrated??

The human body is mostly water. This is a fact. Period. It is also a fact that humans need to drink plenty
of water to stay healthy. But what are some easy ways to get enough (and how much is enough)?
And what are the benefits of all this water?

Why do we need all this water?
We all know that being physically active is an important part of health. And sometimes, being physically
active can be a sweaty situation. Intense exercise can cause you to lose up to 10% of your water weight
from sweat. This needs to be replaced during and after exercise for good health and athletic performance.

Your brain also relies a lot on water. Science has shown that mild dehydration, as little as loss of 1% of
body water, can cause headaches, fatigue, memory and mood impairment, and decreased brain

Drinking more water can help our bodies get rid of “wastes” we really don’t want to hold on to.
Water can help relieve constipation, especially in people who don’t drink enough. Increasing water can
also help treat kidney stones. The more water you drink, the more fluid passes through the kidney to
dilute the minerals so the clumps are less likely to remain.

How do you know how much water to drink? How can you get enough?

The most commonly shared idea is 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water daily is the perfect amount. The
science behind this isn’t very strong, but the science behind staying hydrated is very strong. The specific
amount of water is different for everyone, but an easy trick is reaching for a water when you feel thirsty
instead of a pop or juice. Also, always keeping a water bottle in with you can help keep your water intake
up! If you don’t like plain water, add some sliced fresh fruit as flavoring to keep it interesting.




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