Got FISH??

In an effort to give students healthier meals that also address important sustainability issues, UCLA has expanded their seafood offerings. In addition to offering more fish they have reduced the size of the portions for beef options, claiming students have not even noticed the reduction. In order to truly drive the issue of sustainably sourced offerings, UCLA is moving beyond the traditional seafood such as tuna, shrimp, and salmon. They are putting more exotic, unfamiliar fish on the menu. These fish are more environmentally friendly to obtain, yet still very DELICIOUS. Overall, students are in favor of the change and are enthusiastic about sampling new species of seafood.

I REALLY LOVE, LOVE, LOVE where they are going with this. One of the greatest challenges facing the human race will be to feed a continually growing population in a sustainable manner. Farming, for both livestock and crops, has led to serious implications for our planet. Consequently, our current approaches to food production are not likely to be feasible options going forward.

As a species, we obtain nearly all of our food from the land. If we are going to continue to feed the population, without exhausting the resources of our planet, we need to look beyond traditional farming. Say HELLO to the ocean – it is virtually an untapped resource for human nutrition – housing thousands of edible species. There are many reasons why people prefer to eat land animals, but we may one day find that the survival of our species requires that we develop our palates and embrace what the ocean has to offer. KUDOS to UCLA for recognizing the value of this resource and taking this important initiative!!


Tarver, T. (2015). Sea-ing a better way to feed the world. Food Technology, 69(8), 22-29.


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