Gut Goodness

Gut health is one of those trendy health topics right now because it’s really kind of gross if you think
about it too much. Anything gross is super interesting in this society, am I right? Gut health is all
about the bacteria living in your digestive system that helps keep us healthy and “regular.” Improved
gut health has been linked to improved immune system, mood, mental health, skin conditions,
cancer, and even more.

How do you know if your gut is healthy?
There are a few common signs that indicate the gut bacteria is out of balance. An upset stomach
and food intolerances are common with an unhealthy gut because digestion isn’t at its prime. There
can be a lot of gas, bloating, and pain associated with this. An unhealthy gut can also unintentional
weight changes, up or down. Gut bacteria are important for nutrient absorption, blood sugar
regulation, and fat storage. When they are out of whack, your body struggles to adjust. Gut bacteria
are also needed for hormone production. Serotonin affects mood and sleep and a majority of it is
produced in the gut. Tiredness, many nights of poor sleep, and decreased mood can also be
attributed to poor gut health. A healthy gut is also created by a healthy diet. A diet high in sugar can
be hard on gut bacteria.

How can we improve gut health?
Improving gut health involves similar tips to improving overall health. Lowering stress and getting
enough sleep are crucial for general health. Changing up your diet and eating more slowly can help
improve gut bacteria. Add in more fruits and vegetables, and limit the high sugar and high fat stuff
(remember... everything in moderation!). Eating slowly can ensure chewing food all the way for good
digestion and absorption. Changing up your diet can also include checking for allergies and
intolerances. It is possible your gut is just angry about an allergy, and that can be a relatively simple



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