Breakfast for the Busybody

 Breakfast for the Busybody


It’s that time of year when we all start getting back into the swing of things. School is in session once again and everyone has returned to their rigorous schedules. For most of us, sleep is one of the first things to go when our schedules are packed. And when we’re trying to catch up on sleep, breakfast is commonly sacrificed. Not only is it important to get that first meal of the day, but convenience and nutrition are important factors in breakfast meal-planning as well. If you are struggling to think of what you can make for breakfast on a weekly basis, then look no further. Here are six creative and delicious breakfast ideas that…


·      You can make ahead of time

·      Are convenient to prepare the morning-of

·      Are healthful and will provide you with nutrients and energy



#1: Mini Quiche

A wooden board filled with 4 varieties of mini quiche.

Once they’re made, the only preparation is heating them up in the morning. What’s great about quiche is that there are endless ingredient combos to try:


·      Mushroom, spinach, & bacon

·      Broccoli, tomato, & cheese

·      Peppers, onions, and ham


You can find a quality mini quiche recipe here:

#2: Crepes

Nutella crepes with berries are sweet and indulgent. These French pancakes are an easy to make blender recipe that will have you craving breakfast all day. |

Although they may sound difficult, crepes can certainly be cooked ahead of time, and are a versatile option for egg lovers and haters alike. All you do is make the crepe mix, cook them in a pan, and store them in the refrigerator for the week ahead. Then add your toppings or fillings the morning of! 


Options for crepes…

·      Savory: eggs, ham, bacon, cheese, onions, peppers, tomatoes, avocado

·      Sweet: Nutella, custard, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, strawberries, pineapple


For a simple crepe batter recipe, click here:



#3: Baked Oatmeal


Slice of baked oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and maple syrup.

Bake this dish in advance and then divide into squares to have each day! This warm breakfast bowl can be topped with milk, berries, bananas, peaches, nuts, brown sugar, or cinnamon.


Below is a recipe to get you started:



#4: Egg Casserole

Vegetarian Breakfast Strata {overnight casserole} • Fit Mitten Kitchen

A mix of eggs, bread, meat, veggies, and cheese, everything you need is right here in one dish! Cook and divide evenly to have a portion each day of the week. 


A good recipe for this breakfast idea can be found here:



#5: Ham and Cheese Scones

ham and cheddar cheese scones with chives and sea salt garnish on top sitting on brown parchment paper.

What’s great about scones is they store well and are a good pair with coffee or scrambled eggs. Pop in the toaster oven or microwave and you’re on your way!


Check out this recipe below to try them yourself:



#6: Pumpkin Muffins

healthy pumpkin muffins recipe

Of course we have to include a fall-flavored breakfast option! These could not be simpler to grab and go, and are delicious both hot and cold.


Click here to start prepping this new breakfast idea:



Now start baking to still get those extra Zzz’s!







  1. What great ways to get something in for the morning that is easy!


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