Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: where do we stand?

            Healthcare is full of different groups with intricate interactions. The large number of different departments gives rise to a nearly unparalleled number of subcultures that must work together. Leadership is of particular import in this situation. It is the leader’s duty to utilize the diversity to correctly use resources when creating management processes. There are several theories on leadership that can be utilized to achieve this goal. Transformational leadership, which emphasizes creating a shared vision to inspire others, is particularly important in healthcare. Collaborative leadership is imperative as well. This type of leadership focuses on communication and empowers all levels of leaders to validate their needs. In such a complex environment, conflict management is needed as well. The goal is to deal with all stages of conflict to promote a positive outcome for all parties. Conflict often arises in situations where an authoritarian leadership style is used. Therefore, a leader should consider all options of leadership before employing an authoritarian style. A distributed leadership style that reduces the hierarchical structure, typical is well received in the field of healthcare. The task of leadership in healthcare may appear daunting but is vitally important to creating positive outcomes.

Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: Where Do We Stand? Oman            Medical Journal, 28(4), 285–287. http://doi.org/10.5001/omj.2013.79


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