The Most Popular Bean in the World



The world consumes 400 billion cups of coffee every year, marking it one of the most popular drinks. Coffee is a staple at every street corner or office building, providing energy for individuals throughout the day. 

The FDA recommends a moderate intake of coffee (3-5 cups per day) or 400 milligrams of caffeine. 

Nutritional Profile of Black Coffee:

Nutrients per serving. One 8-ounce serving of black coffee contains:

  • Calories: 2

  • Protein: 0 grams

  • Fat: 0 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams

  • Fiber: 0 grams

  • Sugar: 0 grams

  • Sodium: 5 milligrams

Benefits of Coffee:

Coffee contains polyphenols - a type of antioxidant that helps protect against free radicals in the body. Coffee also contains good amounts of vitamin B2 and magnesium. 

Coffee has also been associated with protecting against chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinsons’ disease, liver disease and cancer. 

Precautions of Coffee:

Not everyone enjoys black or dark coffee, therefore flavor enhancers such as cream, sugar, or artificial flavorings may be added. The extra sugar, fat and artificial flavors can add extra calories for individuals who add excessive amounts to coffee. 

Caffeine may also be hindersome to individuals with anxiety or people with panic disorders, increasing heart rate or jitteriness. Limiting coffee amounts can help to alleviate or drinking caffeine free can help, as well. 

Caffeine also takes 12 hours to cycle through the body, therefore it may cause insomnia for individuals who drink it within a close time frame of going to bed. Adding a timeframe of not drinking caffeine can help to control the caffeine intake to restricted hours of the day. 

Heartburn is also another concern due to the acidity present in the coffee. Individuals can take over the counter medicine such as TUMS or omit coffee from their everyday routine. 

Coffee can have a great place in an individual's diet, but drinking excessive amounts can be hindersome for some individuals. 




  1. Coffee is definitely a staple to my day! I like that pointed out the benefits of coffee, but it's important to note the precautions too. I didn't know that caffeine takes 12 hours to cycle out of the body, so that was super interesting!!


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