Tips and Tricks to Having a Healthier Halloween!!!

Halloween is the season for scary and spooky movies, costumes and CANDY.  Many kids and teenagers participate in trick or treating. The average trick or treater consumes around 3 cups of sugar or 7,000 calories (this is equivalent to 13 big Macs). Having sugar that is in an excessive amount can lead to many chronic health issues, such as, diabetes, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. The daily recommended intake for children aged 2-18 is a maximum of 6 teaspoons or 25 g. The daily recommended intake for adult men is 9 teaspoons or 36 g; the daily recommended intake for adult women is maximum of 6 teaspoons or 25 g. Here are few tips and tricks for parents to consider having a healthier Halloween.

1. Checking the Candy- Immediately after your child goes trick or treating it is important to check the candy. Check to make sure that there are no open pieces, or the candy hasn't been tampered with

2. Exercise- Get some exercise by having you and your kids walk from house to house instead of driving

3. Eat before Trick or Treating- Have your children eating dinner before dinner trick or treating allows them to be full when they are trick or treating. This also helps them to not indulge in overeating their candy while trick or treating

4. Practice Moderation- Allow your kids to pick one or two pieces a day and put the rest up. This allows them to still be able to enjoy their candy and not overconsume it.

Fun and healthy recipes to try this spooky season!!




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