Management and Dietetics: Are We Prepared for the Future? Contd.

Management and Dietetics: Are We Prepared for the Future? Contd.

Going off of Lindsay’s post on the article of “Management and Dietetics: Are We Prepared for the Future?”, I took interest in the insert at the end of the article, “The Future of Management in Dietetics: A House of Delegates Mega Issue Evolves into a Task Force Charge”. The American Dietetic Association House of Delegates (HOD) host dialog sessions, where two mega issues are discussed per session. A mega issue is classified as, “a topic that will affect the profession in the next 5 to 10 years”. The future of dietetics in management was such a critical issue that a task force was eventually created. The Future of Management in Dietetics Task Force was assigned “with developing a matrix to determine how management skills are used across the spectrum of practice, as well as, to recommended strategies to foster the development of management skills in dietetics”. The task force was given three guiding principles to follow. They were to integrate management into all areas of practice, to market to stakeholders that food and nutrition professionals hold management skills, and to demonstrate the competence of food and nutrition professionals as managers outside the traditional foodservice area. The task force developed a strategy that provides suggestions to help members enhance their managerial skills, highlights successful practitioners with management skills, and offers a sample resume to emphasize management aspect of member’s professional careers. This can be found for members at under the Professional Development section.



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